How To Use Et Al Referencing

Cite similar references based upon the first different names.
How to use et al referencing. Notes and bibliography and author date style. For subsequent in text citations of a work with 3 to 5 authors. Chicago style has two systems of citation. For sources with one two or three authors list all author names in your in text citations whether footnotes or author date. When three or more names are given for a reference cited in the text.
Is italicized in this post when i am using it as a linguistic example but it should not be italicized when you are using it as part of a reference citation. In citing such papers using the name and date system also known as the harvard system a long string of names proves awkward which is why most journals recommend the use of et al which is latin for et alii or et aliae and means and others. In this case the latin abbreviation et al meaning and others is essential. According to 4 and 6 9. As demonstrated in 3.
As previously mentioned different style guidelines have adopted different rules for using et al so the best way to use et al is to check the guidelines of your target journal or organization and follow the style accordingly. In apa 7 for a work with three or more authors list the first author and et al for all citations including the first citation unless doing so would create ambiguity. Use the lead author s name and et al. These refer to a previous reference and should be eliminated from the reference section. Once it comes to giving detailed information on the source in the reference list et al should never be used.
Note that et al. Which is determined by the number of authors and whether it is the first time a reference has been. This can make things easier if you re referencing more than one source in the same sentence. General use of et al. Note that this rule has changed from apa 6 guidelines on using et al which recommend listing all author names in the first citation up to five authors but then.
References within a reference check the reference list for ibid. If you reference the author s name in your text the parenthetical citation goes immediately after the author s name or in this case after the abbreviation et al not at the end of the sentence as it normally would. Whenever you have multiple initial authors that are the same citation should go to the first dissimilar author. The sixth edition of the publication manual of the american psychological association offers guidelines in the use of et al. The use of et al is the same in both styles.