How To Use Etc Sysconfig Network

This file is the system databases and name service switch configuration file.
How to use etc sysconfig network. So since you are using networkmanager you can also use ifup and ifdown to refresh the network configuration of any interface. With rhel centos 8 the ifup and ifdown commands are part of networkmanager rpm unlike older releases where these were part of initscripts rpm. With the new version of red hat linux 6 2 the forward ipv4 parameter is now specified in the etc sysctl conf file instead of the etc sysconfig network file. Your network is now configured and your system is connected to your local network and optionally the internet. The etc sysconfig directory is a location for configuration files and scripts.
The etc sysconfig arpwatch file is used to pass arguments to the arpwatch daemon at boot time. The arpwatch daemon maintains a table of ethernet mac addresses and their ip address pairings. The above overview does not cover the topic of ipv6 comprehensively. Most network configuration information is stored there with the exception of vpn mobile broadband and pppoe configuration which are stored in etc networkmanager subdirectories. For information about how to set up various types of tunnels using the etc sysconfig network files see the man page of ifcfg tunnel man ifcfg tunnel.
On rhel centos 8 with networkmanager. Rpm qf which ifup networkmanager 1 20 0 3 el8 x86 64. On bootup etc init d network reads through all the ifcfg files and for each one that has onboot yes it checks whether networkmanager is already starting the device from that ifcfg file. It provides sources for common configuration databases and name resolution mechanisms. For more information about what parameters you can use in this file type man arpwatch by default this file sets the owner of the arpwatch process to the user pcap.
This file configures how apmd functions at boot time depending on whether the hardware supports advanced power management apm or whether the user has configured the system to use it the apm daemon is a monitoring program that works with power management code within the. 13 2 5 for more information edit source. If networkmanager is starting that device or has already started it nothing more is done for that file and the next onboot yes file is checked. If networkmanager is not yet starting that device the. In some cases ifconfig lists the interface eth0 but i don t find the corresponding ifcfg eth0 file whereas in other instances if i create the ifcfg eth1 file and restart the network like service network restart this interface is not listed in ifconfig.
If you are working with a linux system using a gui you can configure the network interface via an icon in the far upper right of the screen.