How To Use Hotspot Shield Vpn For Free

Protect yourself from cyber threats with a simple tap of the screen.
How to use hotspot shield vpn for free. To find the hotspot shield vpn application click the windows icon on the lower left hand corner of the screen or find the hotspot shield vpn icon on the desktop or taskbar. Hotspot shield free vpn proxy is a program that lets you encrypt your connection to browse the internet in a totally private anonymous and secure manner. Step 1 download hotspot shield. If you re looking for a smart tv vpn as long as your tv has the google play store or fire tv built in you can find hotspot shield and enjoy restriction free content from around the world. 8 10 38 votes download hotspot shield free.
How hotspot shield works hotspot shield free vpn proxy provides a fast vpn connection through an encrypted channel between your chrome browser and the target website using secure vpn technology. Second you can begin your 7 day premium trial by pressing the start 7 day trial button. Browsing the internet sometimes involves risks regarding our anonymity and privacy. Click the start button to turn hotspot shield vpn on. Click the hotspot shield icon to open the hotspot shield vpn application.
Click install click yes when prompted. Hotspot shield masks your real ip address to anonymize your device and grant you access to restricted websites even behind the firewalls. Openvpn is currently one of the most popular protocols because it s open source and very secure. Choose a vpn server. There you can simply search the google play store for hotspot shield and install our tv app.
Hotspot shield vpn features. Hotspot shield is the world s fastest vpn app. Double click the hotspot shield setup file. Hotspot shield free vpn proxy secure your connection download video previews duration. First you can start using hotspot shield vpn for free if you click the hardly visible grey arrow in the top left corner.
Click finishstep 3 close the ad. You can use hotspot shield as an android tv vpn by connecting your box to any tv in your home. Pc and mac users have used hotspot shield for a while now but there is also a solution for iphone users. Better phone wifi in 30 seconds. We ve talked about setting up a paid vpn solution via witopia to use the abc ipad app in canada but there is a free solution via hotspot shield.