How To Download Python Using Anaconda

Close it the same way you did in the previous exercise.
How to download python using anaconda. Open the anaconda prompt. If you want to use both python 2 and 3 please see the following tutorial on. Unless you plan on installing and running multiple versions of anaconda or multiple versions of python accept the default and leave this box checked. It is very interactive and user friendly platform most of the python programmers developer using it. If you are using linux you need to go to your terminal get inside the folder in where you download the file with the anaconda installer and then write the following command sudo chmod x the.
Click the next button. Play with python anaconda navigator. Once you complete the download open the setup. Python anaconda navigator is a graphical user interface. Locate your anaconda prompt and then open it.
Follow the instructions in the setup. Here we discuss the various step to install anaconda python along with detailed explanation. Click the install button. Jupyter notebook should start up just like it did when you launched it from anaconda navigator. If you want to watch the packages anaconda is installing click show details.
For example if you re using windows you can simply type anaconda prompt in the windows search bar and then click on it. The steps to be reviewed can be used to install most python packages in anaconda. If you want to use pycharm a python ide please see this tutorial on integrating anaconda with pycharm. Developers can install the anaconda prompt using the steps shown above and start working on their codes professionally by creating a separate environment for each project. At the anaconda prompt terminal on linux or macos type jupyter notebook and press enter.