How To Spell Color

The word color has its roots unsurprisingly in the latin word color.
How to spell color. These variations in spelling exist because of differences between american english and british english. Here are the colors previously learned in grade 1 that you can include as a review if you choose to do so. George bernard shaw once remarked that england and america are two countries separated by a common language. However sometimes for some people this isn t clear. Spellings and coloured colouring colourer colourful and discolour are preferred outside the u s.
Colored coloring colorer colorful and discolor are the u s. The spelling without the letter u is the american spelling. The distinction extends to all derivatives of the word. In this video you ll learn how to spell eleven color names. Colour is used in other english speaking countries.
Color word pieces puzzle in this puzzle combine pairs of word segments to make color spelling words. Blue yellow red black brown green purple pink orange white and gray. Black blue brown gray green orange pink purple red silver white yellow. The spelling of the word colour in australia contains the letter u. Gray and grey are both correct spellings of the word for the neutral or achromatic color a color without color between black and white like a cloud covered sky ashes or lead.
Tan red optional color activities. Or go to the answers. If you like this. If you live in the united states you will use the spelling gray with an a in american english. If you write and speak british english you ll spell the color as grey with an e both spellings are considered correct but the preferred spelling depends on whether you follow american english or british english standards.
Color is spelled color in the united states and usually colour elsewhere. However as well as ignoring the atlantic ocean shaw s proclamation overlooks the many differences between british and american spelling. One time when i asked a person why they spelt the word colour without the u they said that s how i ve always spelt it. Color words match two syllables to make 10 color words. Used for centuries both gray and grey come from the old english word grǽg and are related to the dutch word grauw and the german word grau.